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Why are the products made of the Smocare®?

The active principle Smocare is given by the combination obtained with a sophisticated extraction method for high quality botanical extracts. Carrying out the extraction and at low temperatures, we prevent the heat stress chargeable to the thermolabile ingredients, accurately recreating the composition of the substances found in each plant and maintaining constant their specific properties.

How important is the ingredient selection for the Smocare® active principle?

The ingredient selection is crucial to the functionality and reliability of the entire product. Not least is the whole supply chain process that assures the producer and the formulator a complete control over the cultivation of the plant, its transformation, the organoleptic analysis and lastly, the whole extraction process up to the final product examination.

Can Smocare® products be taken by non-smokers?

Smocare products are specifically studied and formulated to alleviate and solve the respiratory disfunctions of smokers.

Can anyone assume supplements?

Yes, if they are a healthy person above the age of 3 and they do not have allergies to any of the components in the product. With the consumption of medicines (especially chronic therapies), it is recommended to consult the doctor before taking any supplement. Some supplements cannot be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding (as it is specified on the label of the product).

Can Smocare® products interfere with other medicines?

Yes, every substance can interfere with others, just consider that also the ingestion of some food can interfere with the action of some medicines (especially anticoagulants andantibiotics, for example, the consumption of grapefruit can interfere with anticoagulant medicines, such as coumarin). Therefore, if you take any medicine, it is recommended to consult your doctor before taking a supplement.

Can Smocare® products be taken by non-smokers?

According to the Law, supplements are “food products made for integrating the usual diet and that are a concentrated source of nutritive substances, such as vitamins, mineral salts, or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect, in particular, but not exclusively, amino acids, essential fat acids, fibres and vegetable origin extracts, both monocomposites and pluricomposites in pre-dosed forms.”

Pre-dosed forms mean pills, tablets, envelopes, bottles whose ingestion can contribute to the wellbeing by optimizing or improving the normal functions of the organism through the contribution of nutrients or other substances with a nutritive or physiological effect.

What are supplements useful for?

Smocare products are specifically studied and formulated to alleviate and solve the respiratory disfunctions of smokers.

Do Smocare® products have a balsamic effect?

Yes, they have a balsamic effect.

Can Smocare® products contribute to enhance the awakening quality?

Yes, we recommend to take the products at the awakening in order to clear the first respiratory tract usually congested during the night.

Can Smocare® products contribute to enhance the sleeping quality?

Yes, we recommend taking the products also before going to bed.

Are Smocare® products manufactured in Italy?

Yes, they are entirely manufactured in Italy, mainly with raw materials coming from the industry.

Why above three years of age?

According to the Law, products specific for early childhood (under the age of three) must have specific requirements and supply nutritive substances in different percentages, some substances cannot be present in these products because they are not suitable for children of this age.

What is the mean value of ingredients?

The quantity of nutritive substances that the supplement gives with the consumption of a single dose or a dose per day.

For how long should Smocare® products be taken?

There is not a specific time period, like any other food could generally be consumed during the whole life. We recommend a continuous consumption of 2-3 months.

What is the difference between a supplement and a medicine on a beneficial basis?

Depending on the product’s type, there is a different posology and dosage that are listed on the product’s box. It is not necessary taking them on a full stomach. There is not a specific time period, like any other food could generally be consumed during the whole life. We recommend a continuous consumption of 2-3 months.

How should Smocare® products be taken?

Depending on the product, there is a different dosage that is listed on the product’s box.

Is the doctor’s prescription needed to buy Smocare® products?

They can be suggested by the doctor, but they do not need any prescription.

Is there any ingredient that can cause allergies or intolerances?

Yes, like every other food can cause intolerances or allergies, therefore it is recommended to carefully read the ingredients inside the products.

Can people with diabetes or pregnant women take Smocare® products?

For people with diabetes, we recommend consulting their doctor before taking the products. Whereas they can be taken by pregnant women (indeed, on the label it is not present the specific warning “Do not take in case of pregnancy or breastfeeding”).

Do Smocare® products have contraindications or side effects on some people rather than others?

People with health problems must consult their doctor before taking an alimentary supplement. The specific interactions cannot be estimated because many are the medicines that a person can take. For some raw materials, on the label are listed supplementary warnings (such as the consumption of products that contain Fermented Red Rice, useful for cholesterol related problems, must state on the label “To use the product, it is recommended to consult the doctor. Do not use during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in case of treatments with hypolipidemic medicines”).

What does traceable production mean?

From raw materials to the final product, every phase is controlled and traced.

How can Smocare® products help the breathing wellbeing?

Because they help the natural respiratory system wellbeing.

Do Smocare® products contain gluten, lactose or preservatives?

They do not contain gluten and they are naturally lactose free.
They contain preservatives in order to safely and stably store the products until their expiration. If they are present, they are listed on the product’s label.

On active principal basis, is it more efficient to take a syrup rather than a spray or other products?

The different pharmaceutical forms have different grades of bioavailability, therefore cannot be compared as they are formulated to respond to different needs.

How should Smocare® products be stored?

Follow the instructions on the product’s box.
Once opened, store them in the fridge and consume them within 30 days.

What is the HELYCOL® snail extract?

The snail slime extract is obtained through the collection, filtration and stabilisation through microfiltration of snail slime. It is not chemically treated.

Why are there so many secondary active principles?

To enhance the action of the primary active principles.

Should the Smocare® tablets be chewed or sucked?

They can be consumed in both ways depending on the preference.

Why is it necessary to shake Smocare® syrup before the consumption?

Eventual deposits on the bottom or suspended particles are a normal characteristic of the product and they do not affect the quality or the efficiency of the syrup. The preparations with vegetable extracts can present natural deposits or particles, by shaking them, it is possible to dissolve them again in the preparation.

Why is not “cough” written on the product’s box?

Because the category of alimentary supplement in the form of syrup is scheduled, but it has specific characteristics of composition (it must not contain preservatives, it must contain only same sugars) that would have not permitted to put the functional active principles in optimal percentages. And the indications related to the product as an adjuvant of cough treatment (medical device) were not allowed by the Law.

What are the snail slime properties?

The snail slime is a mucolytic, fluidifying, expectorant and regenerating for the damaged epithelium.

How is the snail slime extraction made?

The snails are placed in containers that have very thin net, washed with drinkable water, that induces their “salivation”, then they are manually removed from the container and individually washed to remove the slime of the other snails, in order to place them again on the field. The slime in container is then filtered and microfiltered.

Smocare® products

The active principle Smocare® is given by the combination obtained with a sophisticated extraction method for high quality botanical extracts.
Carrying out the extraction and at low temperatures, we prevent the heat stress chargeable to the thermolabile ingredients, accurately recreating the composition of the substances found in each plant and maintaining constant their specific properties.

Ingredients Selection

The ingredient selection is crucial to the functionality and reliability of the entire product. Not least is the whole supply chain process that assures the producer and the formulator a complete control over the cultivation of the plant, its transformation, the organoleptic analysis and lastly, the whole extraction process up to the final product examination.

Useful informations for the consumption

Smocare® products are not medicines and are specifically studied and produced to alleviate and solve the smokers’ respiratory disfunctions. They are manufactured in Italy mainly with supply chain’s raw materials. The consumption is recommended also before going to bed in order to facilitate the sleep or at the awakening to clear the first respiratory tract usually congested during the night.